Campaign form

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Your information

For more detailed information on how we process your information, please read our privacy policy

Telephone number must be entered incl. country number and area code e.g. +46731234567

Product information

Where can I find model code of my Samsung product?

You can attach a maximum of 5 files. The total size limit is 10MB.

Q: Do I need to have a Samsung Account to take part of the offer?
A: Yes, in order to use Samsung Members app and take part of the offer you must be logged in to your Samsung Account. If you don’t have a Samsung Account already, you can use your existing email address to easily create a Samsung Account.

Q: I can’t see the offer in Samsung Members, what might be wrong?
A: It can take up to 5 days before the offer appears in Samsung Members after your device has been activated, please wait and check again. Check under the “Benefits” section which can be found on the “Explore” tab/page of the Members app.

Q: I have waited 5 days and still can’t see my offer in Samsung Members. What is wrong?
A: Please ensure that you have bought the product during the campaign period and at one of the selected retailers/operators. You can also ensure that you are using a Nordic SIM-card. Also make sure to check in the right page in members: the offer will be viewable under the “Benefits” section which can be found on the “Explore” tab/page of the Members app.

Q: I have waited 5 days and checked what is asked for above, but still can’t see the offer in Samsung Members – what do I do?
A: If you have waited and checked your SIM-card and that you are eligible for the offer and still experience issues with finding the offer in Samsung Members app, please contact Samsung Customer Support for more help. Have your receipt or order confirmation ready before contacting the Support as it will be needed for confirmation.

Q: I bought my phone at [non participating partner name] - can I still use the offer?
A: Unfortunately, this offer is only valid in selected channels and during a selected period.

Q: When will I get my product?
A: After you have registered for the campaign through the Members app your order will be shipped as soon as possible.